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Old 03-21-2002, 03:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is wrong with you people???


I've actually had some success turning this attitude against the crusty ones. as an unfamiliar face in Vegas, the locals seem to swarm when I get into the game. the actual salivating begins when I tell them I'm from California. it's sealed when I hit some seemingly long shot hand that is actually an automatic ticket (flop gutshot/backdoor straight/one overcard and hit the runner runner flush, or some other sort of nonsense). I get so much action at times that it's rediculous. It seems like the other players don't notice that I've only played on hand in the last four orbits, or that the hands I'm showing down are premium. let them take their tourist bias and loosened up game against me. I'm happy to comply with their obvious desire to not have to carry any heavy racks to the cage at the end of the night.

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