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Old 01-21-2004, 04:53 AM
clovenhoof clovenhoof is offline
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Default Re: Basic 08 situation I\'m unclear on: top trips

A's are more dangerous than K's because they represent a low card, and because there are very few combinations of flops with an A where three aces are the nuts, because they double the number of potential str8s.

The big attraction of two pair is that your chances of hitting one of them on the flop are slightly less than one in four. Everything else depends on the texture of the game -- in a tight game, you'll get some really nice free cards and sometimes can pick up the pot on the turn where low isn't there and the pot doesn't justify a chase. In a loose game, you might have the best hand but be drawing almost dead, and for half the pot no less.

Personally I see more value in the KQJT hands than the KKQJ hands because top two plays almost as well as top set, and it brings with it an open-ender. But you asked about pairs, not connectors.

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