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Old 03-14-2002, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: The Seductive Brutalities of Poker

"It's already too painful to think about without the addition of mistakes."

i dont want what im about to say to come off as critical of caro either. but i think this above is a very harmful immature attitude to have(obviously). i used to sometimes feel this way when i would lose but now when i lose i can actually take solace in all the mistakes i made, i can see all the hands i justified playing when i was really just fulfilling some sick need to gamble. it's awesome, because when you recognize your playing was flawed you can set forth the next session with a refined attitude that you will play tighter and stronger than ever.

conclusions like these have made a very significant impact on my game.

one other thing, now that im rambling: i think it's good to sometimes let off a little steam momentarily when you lose a tough hand. i think it's okay to throw your cards into the muck (not at the dealer or a player), to say a cuss word (not at the dealer or a player), to get up and slam your fists or something temporarily ANGRY and uncontrolled. doing it too often will tear your image to shreds, but doing it every once in awhile can be productive and help ensure that anger doesnt come out in the much more dangerous form of tilted awful play.

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