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Old 01-16-2004, 03:08 PM
Scott_Baio Scott_Baio is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 18
Default Re: Hourly Rate in No Limit?

well, the $25nl and pl games on party are so loose, the blinds end up being a small fraction of the betting. There are a lot of all-ins with just top pair vs flush draw, etc. So the guy who says he is making 7 bb/hour sounds fine to me, keep in mind at the $25pl game that's only $3.5 an hour.

Personally, I play two tables and average around $7 or 8 an hour (i mention the two tables because usually your per table average goes down slightly with each additional table)

However, my winning session usually add up to $20 an hour, the $8 is after factoring in losing/breaking even sessions. Hope that helps.

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