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Old 01-16-2004, 11:15 AM
Utah Utah is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 452
Default Re: The Apprentice #2

do - they sit around and come up with *horrible* names for businesses (ok Protege wasn't ~bad~), spout a lot of boardroom babble at each other, flounder in the marketplace, and then blame each other for the varying degrees of success they had. a bunch of kids in the playground, really, all trying to make it as an individual, instead of working together as a team to get the job done

Ha! Thats too perfect. I am the founder and majority partner in a 6 month old consumer products importing company. I have two other partners (one male and one female) and a national sales manager (female). I feel like a cross between a kintergarten teacher and the U.N. as the other three hate each other and they spend more time backstabbing each other and throwing blame than they do building the business. Yesterday, the two females had a contest to see who could call the other one a b%^%$ more times. The funny thing is that we are having success and we have already landed a major customer. We are our own worst enemy. Unfortunately, this is so common in business as I have seen it a zillion times in my career which spans Fortune500 working with senior management, big5 consulting (note: never use them), a technology company, and small business startup. Its always the same. There are precious few times that everyone comes together as a team (although its beautiful when they do).

Although the T.V. cameras change the dynamics of projects and teamwork the show is not too far off.
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