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Old 01-09-2004, 06:43 PM
skp skp is offline
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Default Vegas trip report

I was in Las Vegas from January January 6th.

I was supposed to be there on the first but only got there on the 2nd due to a comedy of errors orchestrated by Alaska Airlines. The flight was to leave on the 1st at 8 p.m. We get through the security checks and arrive at the gate. We are told that the flight would be delayed by 30 minutes. No big deal. Then, we are told that the aircraft is missing a part which is not available at the Vancouver Airport. A flight from Seattle was bringing in the required part but the flight would not arrive till midnight. Therefore, our departure time was moved to 1 a.m. Swell!

We finally board our plane around 1:30 am. An hour goes by and we haven't seen a single Alaska Airlines employee on the plane. Plus, it's like we are in a friggin' cooler. No heating. Pilot finally announces that there is some other unrelated mechanical failure and the flight would be delayed to 11 am. the next morning. Swell!

Off we go to customs and then on to a substandard hotel. The customs guy gives me a quizzical look at my declaration card which says that I never left the country.

Back at the airport at about 10 am. We wait around a while. 11 O' Clock goes by and there seems to be no activity at the gate. A bunch of us head to the gate to find out what the hell's going on. We are then told that the Airline forgot to arrange for a flight crew for this rescheduled flight! A more ridiculous thing I have never heard. At my poker room, we often have situations where there are only 2 games going and about 30 guys on the waiting list. There are 4 empty tables but the room can't start another game because they have no additional dealers. Well, this was a case of an airline having "no dealer". A flight crew was being flown in from Los Angeles. That flight left LA at 10 am. God only knows why Alaska failed to tell us poor saps about the problem. We came to learn of it simply because we were getting restless and had approached the fella at the gate to enquire.

Ultimately, we get in to Vegas at 6:30 pm. on the 2nd...some 20 hours later than scheduled. I am already on tilt as I walk into the Bellagio at about 8.

I'll spare all the gory details about the poker. I played about 23 hours of 15-30 winning $2200 and about 7 hours of 30-60 losing $300. Final tally of $1900 in 30 hours. Also won bets on 2 NFL games (Panthers and Colts). Not bad.

Clarkmeister was at the Bellagio on Saturday night. There was about a 2 or 3 hour wait. He hung around and shot the breeze while I played. I am getting nothing for cards. I decide to sit out a round and go powder the old honker. Clarkmeister plays over my chips. He plays 2 hands and wins about $300. I sit back down and get nothing for cards. I have a big honker which requires further powdering so off I go again. In comes Clarkmeister. He plays 3 hands and wins them all. Up another $300 or so. Swell!

On my next break, I get a little smarter. I decide to skip only 2 hands. Clarky, while foaming at the mouth, swoops in. Plays a hand and wins another $120 or so. In the result, he was dealt 22 hands while playing over, played 6 of them, won them all and pocketed $720. Hourly rate of about $1500. What a player!

Thankfully, I manage to eke out a $380 win in the session as well.

Clarky, MajorKong and I then went out and got hammered. At least I did as I am pretty well a lightweight when it comes to handling the brewskies. Incidentally, if you haven't met Major, you should. He has one heckuva sense of humor.

I also bumped into Vince Lepore, Mason, and David. Apparently, J Lo was also at the Bellagio poker room. Unfortunately, no "bumping" into her to report about.


Good poker action and results.

Good football games.

Nice time at the Flamingo Health Spa etc.

Great time partying with Clarky and Major.

Don't Fly Alaska.

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