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Old 01-08-2004, 01:08 AM
Lori Lori is offline
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Default Re: Coming up with a Ranking formula for KotZ

I haven't tested this, or even thought too hard, but you might want to use Simon's 1000 point scale, but weight it according to the first prize.

Eg: First prize is $250, the scale runs from 0 to 250, but with 0 being awarded for one behind last place (so everyone scores)

After applying the linear scale, add the number of dollars actually won, so the winner would get 500 points.

In a 10 player $11 sng for example, the points would be as follows:

1st 100 (50+50)
2nd 75 (30+45)
3rd 60 (20+40)
4th 35
5th 30
6th 25
7th 20
8th 15
9th 10
10th 5 (Afterall, he turned up)

I like this because it is simple, rewards the money but also gives points for bothering to enter.

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