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Old 01-07-2004, 11:23 PM
Simon Diamond Simon Diamond is offline
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Default Re: Coming up with a Ranking formula for KotZ

How glad I am that I quit mathematics when I was 16! For the record I devised the original system, and cannot believe how simple it is in comparison to all these complex suggestions.

My wish was to reward loyalty and overall consistency - however I did compile a prize money list too, so people could see who fared well in that category. Strangely enough the same person topped both the official rankings and the prize money charts, though I do see Ed's point about the second ranked player only making one final and finishing 9th. I finished 5th in the rankings with 2 finals and 4 bad results - so maybe that proves my system is flawed.

Interesting debate guys, good luck in finding something that the honorable TD eMarkM can work with in the KotZ series.

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