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Old 01-05-2004, 08:23 PM
Wenona Wenona is offline
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Default Re: Coming up with a Ranking formula for KotZ

Hi Mark

This is my first ever 2+2 post, so I'll quickly try and get a few more in so I try to become King of the Zoo.

I would suggest changing the points allocation from a linear equation to a curve. This will decrease the points differences between the lower placings and increase the gap as peoples placings improve. To do this you simply put the result of your previous equation to a power greater than 1.

No of entrants = E
Finish Position = F

Current formula = (((E-F)/(E-1))*1000

Suggest formula = (((E-F)/(E-1))^X)*1000 where X = input variable

Results - 50 player tourney

Current X=1.5 X=2 X=3
1st 1000 1000 1000 1000
10th 816 738 666 544
25th 510 364 260 133
40th 204 92 42 8

Suggest you just set it up for say a 50 player tourney and play around with "X" until you get a spread of points that you like.

Also suggest perhaps using say best 9 finishes only (if 18 tourneys) in total points. People who have played lots can still improve by beating their previous 9th best finish, and people who only play say 12 tourneys are not at a huge dissdvantage against those that have average finishes in all 18.

Hope this is some assistance.

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