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Old 02-26-2002, 02:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Why not?

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but this seems very cheap to me. Why not help someone out?"

first off, yes i am very very cheap. miserly, frugal, and tight (with money, never at cards) as well.

secondly, it's hard enough to make a decent wage playing poker without having to worry about tipping. the collection, tipping waitresses, gas to get there, etc all add up to a lot of extra expenses. i dont make enough per hour to tip the dealers. i could lie to myself and pretend i do and cut an extra dollar or 5 per hour from my wage, but i prefer not to.

btw, i dont go to play poker to help anyone out except myself. i find this to be the best attitude to have in order to be in the correct frame of mind to win at poker: the attitude of a selfish asshole.

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