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Old 12-24-2003, 03:31 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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"Please explain why calling someone unpatriotic is vile but calling someone a baby killer is good?"

Calling a Vietnam vet a "baby killer" just because they went over to serve is objectionable, as it is to call someone "unpatriotic" because he happens to disagree with official American policy. (I personally don't find equal fault with the two, but this is not the point.)

The important thing I'm pointing out is that both are much more vile than calling your President a "scumbag", a "bozo" or worse epithets.

"While either one may be wrong in their assessment, they are both just free expression."

I agree. This is why I responded under the Klingon's post, who also supports free expression. (What I wanted to do was to point out the danger of relativism.)

"Calling your president a Bozo, insulting your countrymen as warmongers, liars, scumbags, baby killers, etc. is very good and helpful towards open discussion. However, calling those people hurling these insults unpatriotic crosses some sort of line?"

The above is somewhat confused writing. Let me clarify, again : The inclination to dissent against authority is IMHO the very essence and the distinctive characteristic of American democracy. Some people who know better, such as Presidents, Founding Fathers, et al, have even gone as far as suggesting that dissent is a duty. An ex-Prez flat out invited Americans to be disrespectful to their Prez!

(Note to MMMMMM : Ann Coulter is a certifiable lunatic. I could not aspire to write like her, not even with an overdose of johncoles.)

Insulting your Prez is healthy for democracy! Even when you're not being correct nor accurate. (The man behind the Presidency is not the objective. The seat of power is.) Insulting your fellow countrymen is not healthy, righteous or constructive to democracy.

If you fail to distinguish the differences between a fellow citizen and the Prez, what can I tell you? Only that you, as a Libertarian (I'm a Libertine myself, so we're in the same bed), should know better. And that the 1776 Revolution's war cry was NOT "Up with the President" but something else, and quite teling.

"...that wit ... gave your posts charm."

You're such a flirt. So what are you wearing right now?

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