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Old 12-17-2003, 11:40 PM
MS Sunshine MS Sunshine is offline
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Default Re: Seeking advice/input

"Another question I have relates to chasing and drawing hands. Typically I will fold unless I have an open ended straight draw, a flush draw (not backdoor), or have made a top pair."

This is right for most flop play, but you must be very selective pre-flop with hands that are most likely drawing hands. Be pretty sure that you will get 4-6 players for a single bet.

"Should I be paying to see the turn and river with hands like AJ or AK, when I have the possibility of hitting top pair?"

If you get the right answer to this please PM me with it.

"Another question that ties in to that, is how to play weak pairs. If I'm sitting with pocket 4s and I can get in without a pre-flop raise, I will play them hoping to hit a set. However, if I don't hit the set, should I fold immediately,"


" or should I fight through and try to hit on the river, or even win outright? I have seen pocket 7s hold up on multiple occasions, but never feel like I should be hanging on to them that long."

That feeling you have is either gas or the feeling of going broke. Take some Maalox, if the feeling doesn't go away then start throwing away under pairs to the flop.

"Hoping to gain some knowledge from you all."


MS Sunshine
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