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Old 12-15-2003, 10:29 PM
DeuceKicker DeuceKicker is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 80
Default Attacking the pre-flop raiser

I'm seeing this more and more often on Party.

When I raise pre-flop, someone will raise (sometimes check-raise) me on the flop if any part of the flop hits them. This is killing me when I raise with AK or AQ.

The other day a guy (who I had no read/records on) bet out, raised, or check-raised me four times in four orbits when I raised pre-flop. Each time, he'd caught middle pair (usually 7-10) or better and my hand didn't improve.

He wasn't a bluffer, so the reason he was raising with middle pair is because he figured a pre-flop raise meant AK or AQ.

How do you handle a guy like this? There was usually a third player in the pot, so re-raising could likely end up costing me even more as the odds of both of them folding probably aren't that great. Do I stop raising pre-flop with these hands if he's in the pot? That seems like a drastic change to make to adjust to just one player, but I was getting killed otherwise.
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