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Old 12-03-2003, 07:31 AM
Rick Nebiolo Rick Nebiolo is offline
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Default Re: Hand to Talk About


Jack nine offsuit in the cutoff is just barely a blind steal with two or the right kind of blinds (tight and predictable, not tenacious) and a soft button acting after you. The third blind makes it a worse raise, mostly since you rarely steal the blinds and are a big favorite to be up against a better hand or two.

Calling is a valid option. Other than the button, it would take a real hand for an opponent to raise out of position and at least you would know what you are up against post flop. It just seems too good to fold against three random hands. But it is at least close.

You wrote: "A new player had just sat down and was taking an out of position blind between the button and the small blind. That meant there were three blinds. One for $60 to the immediate left of the button. The small blind for $40 dollars two to the left of the button. And the big blind for $60 three to the left of the button."

At the Bike Top Section we allow this inside post for a new player (the button passes over the next hand) along with buy the button (and a reduced penalty for moving away from the blinds - you just post the big blind rather than big and small dead). Other Los Angeles Clubs are trending towards variations of these posting procedures (with Buy the Button being almost universally accepted).

What do you or anyone else think of these posting procedures?



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