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Old 12-02-2003, 11:08 PM
Chris Alger Chris Alger is offline
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Default Re: more on administration zionists

"is prophylactic torture being advocated in the US? who is doing it?"

As far as I know, only Alan Dershowitz, to widespread ridicule. So?

"where else in the world is this legitimized?"

If you mean where do they get away with it, lots of places, probably most places.

"shouldnt we ask whether theres something going on here?"

No, we should be specific.

"from what i understand the 'globalists' run israel and america. you just have to look at the devastation caused by nafta/gatt and now this free trade area of the americas, negotiated in miami where police rose to chicago 1968 levels, to see it."

Different topic.
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