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Old 12-31-2005, 06:53 PM
JihadOnTheRiver JihadOnTheRiver is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Chillin with Borat. I LIKE!
Posts: 220
Default Re: What screams \"White Trash\" more than......

This is a true story, not imbellished in any manner. It comes from my 2 years and 4 months of living in God's toilet, that is Meridian MS.

I lived in a 3 story house on a lake that was pretty much a frat-type situation with 5 guys and a lot of male and female visitors. There was one broad in particular that lived in a trailer park down the way. She'd had a lot of sex with a lot of people that I knew. I had not partaken because of my GF and standards. She was almost cute, but trashy and just gross to me. One day she was over at our house and needed a ride back to her place to check on her baby (no dad of course). I was the only one sober (damn friday night flight schedule), so I drove her. Here is the answer to your question:

On the way I note her recent 15-20 pound weight loss. She says that when she switched to Meth she started losing a lot of wieght. When we arrived at her place, her 250 pound mother was holding her baby, standing on the steps, screaming at her. There was a car on cement blocks in her front yard with all the appropriate redneck stickers/paraphenalia (including the aforementioned C&H whiz sticker). She disappeared for about a minute, came back, now wearing a Nascar hoodie and asked if we could stop by the gas station on the way back. On the way she offered me oral sex which I promptly declined. When we got to the gas station I went in with her and she got a 12'r of Beast and some cigs. She was 5 bucks short (a $10 or so bill), so I "loaned" her the money. We got in the car and she said "oh wait, can I have another $1?" She ran inside and came back with a small glass thing with a paper rose in it. When I asked who it was for, she said that its a very simple way to make a crack pipe (?). Later that night she had a threesome with a fat friend of mine and a chubby female friend of hers.

That is your answer. Big Steve will attest that this is not in the least bit a rare occurence in MS.

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