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Old 12-31-2005, 05:29 PM
Yako Yako is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Posts: 129
Default Re: Is it time to move up?

So then, how much do you think a decent player playing like 1-5pm and 8pm-midnight can expect to make in BB/100? I was always aiming for around 2BB/100, but after 60k hands I'm at like 1.7 . And I just read the Ed Miller article where he says that people should really be playing 6max. What would be better for my overall growth as a player, moving 'up' to 1/2 6max or up to 3/6 full? I have no previous 6 max experience. If you guys recommend moving to 6max, can I expect to make the same amount of money 4tabling that as I can 4tabling 2/4 full? Because I'm giving it a shot at doing this for a living, and I don't think I really want my current income to drop.

OP, sorry for the hijack by the way. Just felt it was pointless to start a new topic about this.
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