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Old 12-30-2005, 11:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Do you support Bush?

What he has said about the wire taps is that their secrecy was essential for their effectiveness, hence not wanting to go through a court process. Whether or not you buy it, it's certainly conceiveable that his actions are intended for our protection; saying he's asserted that he can go unchecked whenever he wants is a big jump.

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Oh yeah, that FISA court leaks like a sieve. (rolls eyes) Do you even believe this stuff or are you just typing off of some talking points?

The biggest threat to this country is not lurking in a Middle East desrt somewhere, he is sitting on th Oval Office.

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Then I guess democracy sucks.... why are you living here?? That was some A+ rhetoric though, well done.

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Well, clearly you have decided that democracy sucks since you support unchecked executive power. But "why are you living here??" Is that really the best you can do? Sorry, you get an F.
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