Thread: Follow up bets
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Old 12-30-2005, 09:39 PM
betgo betgo is offline
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Default Re: Follow up bets

It depends on the opponent and the table. I usually bet aboout 3/4 pot. Harrington says half pot and that may work in major tournaments where people bet half pot when they make their hand.

You want to make more or less the same bet as you would with the hand you are representing. Say you raise with KQ and the flop comes A77r. Then I would make a small bet to represent an ace a little afraid of a 7, but not worried about being drawn out on.

Also, I don't think it is good to automatically make continuation bets. It depends a lot on the board. You want it to miss your opponent and look like it would hit a preflop raiser. Not making a continuation bet does not necessarily give up on the hand (and giving up on the hand is not necessarily bad). There are all sorts of other ways to play it.
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