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Old 12-30-2005, 06:17 PM
StellarWind StellarWind is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 704
Default Re: 3-bet pre-flop or check-raise the flop?

Tilt can and often does play a huge factor when playing heads up even at high limits. Whether these people are "dumdums" or rocket scientists is irrelevant.

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There are definitely players who have specific leaks that make the preflop 3-bet a must. A classic is the autocapper who must have the preflop initiative at all cost. Anyone on wild tilt is in the same category. So are certain unpredictable bad players who erase their memories when the flop hits and don't autobet at all.

No matter what poker strategy someone advocates there is an opponent who makes it look very, very good. No matter how strongly I criticize a play in general, I would be the first to say that you should use it against the right opponent.

So I agree with you, but I'm really discussing decent opponents who are playing well right now.

To say it's going to be much harder to figure out that KK is no good after you just call pre-flop is absurd.

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An average high limit heads up player 3-bets 20% of his hands pre-flop (I have 270,000 datamined hands of 300-600 to prove it). AA accounts for .45% of that 20% hand range.

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You have a math problem here. Assuming a 20% free bettor always 3-bet AA it should account for 2.26% of his 3-bets.

But that is hardly the issue. By the time KK has reason to suspect a problem on an AKx board there will normally have been several raises. At that point Hero's logical hand range is quite narrow--just a handful of hands that hit the board very hard. It will often happen that some of those hands can be ruled out by the failure to 3-bet preflop. Perhaps ten possible starting hands of which 3 are AA may shrink to only six possible starting hands if you can rule hands out using the preflop play. So Villain sees that his 70% chance of being good is really only 50% and he applies the brakes in time to save a bet or two.
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