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Old 12-30-2005, 06:03 PM
bocablkr bocablkr is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 55
Default Re: Do you support Bush?


Do you know how to google. Just put in 'bush denies global warming' and see what you get. Below are some examples. I also have already told you that every single National Academy of science in every country that has one claims global warming is do to fossil fuel consumption. The National academies are among the most respected scientific oraganizations around the world.

Yes, globe is warming, even if Bush denies it

The Bush administration's mantra on climate change is this: The science is not yet in to prove a link between man's gas-and-coal guzzling habits and rising global temperatures that are causing glaciers to shrink, polar ice caps to melt and seas to rise.
Yet, as USA TODAY's Dan Vergano reported Monday, not only is the science in, it is also overwhelming. Last week, the National Academy of Sciences and 10 other leading world bodies said there is "significant global warming" that requires urgent action.
Another report last week further undercut claims of bad science: The New York Times disclosed that former oil industry lobbyist Philip Cooney, chief of staff of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, altered global warming reports to downplay links between emissions and climate change.

Bush Again Denies Climate Change By Antony Barnett

05 April, 2004 by the

George W. Bush's campaign workers have hit on an age-old political tactic to deal with the tricky subject of global warming - deny, and deny aggressively.

Bush: Global warming is just hot air
The planet's getting hotter, ecosystems are going haywire, government scientists know it -- and still the president denies there's a problem. Guess which industry continues to fuel his campaign?
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