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Old 12-30-2005, 02:56 AM
Theduke211 Theduke211 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 19
Default Re: More money to be made in MTT than SNG\'s?

Im fairly new to MTT's and STG's. I must say that from a POKER perspective MTT's is the way to go. I have played maybe 20-30 MTT this month have finished in the money about half the time, give or take and have had two final tables. One that I won $6/196 players and a fourth place $22/2448 players. I feel that there is definatly more money to be made, particularly compared to the buy-in in the MTT's. Just from the two im up $4k (nearly) and risked $28. For the others I finished about even. If you are willing to play the already mentioned post flop poker the players really are weak up untill the last 5% or so and at that point youve made some good money. You will definately see money less often with the MTT. For now I am just trying to stay away from the cash games and keep learning to succeed at both.
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