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Old 12-30-2005, 02:39 AM
TheHammer24 TheHammer24 is offline
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Default Re: The last stand of the American Republic....

Great article here....

My fav. quote from the article pretty much starts it out...


"The much-belated exposure of George W. Bush's warrantless spy program has forced the Bush-Cheney Regime to openly declare what they have long implied -- and enacted -- in secret: that the president is above the law, a military autocrat with unlimited powers, beyond the restraint or supervision of any other institution or branch of government. Outed as rank deceivers, perverters of the law and rapists of the Constitution, the Bush gang has decided that their best defense -- their only defense, really -- is a belligerent offense. "Yeah, we broke the law," they now say; "so what? We'll break it again whenever we want to, because law don't stick to our Big Boss Man. What are you going to do about it, chump?" -

[/ QUOTE ]

On the other makes an interesting point - if the American public is willing to take such an obvious failed human being and re-elect him and poo-poo his repeated violations of our civil rights, maybe we do deserve to be slaves to his dictatorial machine.

At least you guys who voted for him do.


[/ QUOTE ]

This is a rather embarrasing assertion by you for the above poster's explanations.

For me, you don't even have to explain how your personal civil rights have been violate, it will suffice me if you explain how civil rights in general have been violated and how America is worse of because of it?
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