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Old 12-30-2005, 01:32 AM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: Please analyze my play here...

Well firstly this is a limit forum and everyone's expertise here is limit, try the small stakes NL forum

That having been said...

Your flop bet is weak, there is $14.50 + blind money in pot and you only bet $4, you're givign him about 3.5 - 1 immediate odds on your bet (not to mention implied odds which are a bigger deal in NL). At this point you are probably way ahead the overwhelming majority of the time and you should be putting in pretty stiff bets (1/2 to 2/3 of the pot would be good).

Turn check is terrible. You are still probably way ahead and are just giving him free cards to beat you, you are granting him his pot equity for free (infinite odds to beat you in a pot you are currently winning).

You watch too much TV poker. Slow playing is for BIG hands. Top pair + top kicker is NOT that big of a hand.

River, his bet is completely bizarre, .50 into a pot of $22+, it looks bizarre. You should either call it or raise stiff.

You instead raise to $5 (which is still pathetic considering the pot size)

he then pushes all in, and you read it as an attempt to steal the pot and call.

No offense but this hand was played terribly.
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