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Old 12-29-2005, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: How did you choose your career (semi-long)

Got fired from 1 job so dedicated to playing football (HS and college) but needed money while did took a job at a collections agency when I was 17 (sis worked there) and pay was much higher than average...did that PT til "something better" came along...failed out of college (hate school and Blood alcohol higher than GPA)

Went back to collections (waiting for something else)

Realized I was good at it...did that for 4 years

Moved to become a cop ([censored] sucked - no money)

Moved back home..back to collections bounced around couple agencies

Some old associates opened a new agency with 15 employees, Busted ass for 2 years til became one of the highest ranking managers, company head count was up to 400...told them to [censored] off after a dispute and became a my ass as collector becoming the top collector for a couple months

Back into entry level management--they opened satellite for Vegas office...I offered to run it and they moved me where I am today...In vegas building a satellite office from the ground up..currently at 60people in 6 months!!!
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