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Old 12-29-2005, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: 2 party accounts in one household?

Sheridan, I am glad you picked up on your once having to fix your identity to cash out. This brings me to another point which is sometimes overlooked by newer players. With that in mind im going off topic on this reply but it is good information.

Most site have prefered cash out methods. In the case of Party Poker it seems the prefered method is via NeTeller since they process the request almost immediately unless they need to verify something. Usually additional verification will result in an e-mail sent to your registered e-mail address so allways keep an eye on your mail when processing any cash out.

When I cashed out of Party the first time I did in fact get an e-mail requesting verification of information to which I responded immediately. I cashed out via NeTeller and had the cash available in less than 4 hours after initiating the withdrawal from Party Poker. WOW wonderful service don't you think?

Why a prefered method can cash out faster is not with certanty known but I have assumptions where NeTeller is concerned. NeTeller processes their clients by means of a very sophisticated check of past residence history, bank transaction verifications, and call backs to listed telephone numbers. They also track past transaction history performance and that would weigh into the mix also I would think. It would be very difficult for anyone to fake this information to NeTeller and makes me very comfortable with them as a cash transaction broker. Even more so than PayPal for example.

It is wise for individuals to utilize the prefered deposit and withdrawal methods of any site you play. So be sure to check this out well before making that first deposit. Sites will for example hold a player who transfers funds via electronic check to receiving withdrawls back to the same electronic bank account so don't change your bank or you could run into a problem here. The same is true of NeTeller, if you deposit through them then you will likely have to cash out through them as well. These are fraud and money laundering measures to protect the site and yourself.

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