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Old 12-29-2005, 04:35 PM
Cooker Cooker is offline
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Posts: 159
Default Re: A23xs, how does this look?

Okay, I'm sorry for this next post, but I have to. I have a few major questions regarding how some hands are seen to be played on this board and I hope this sparks some debate. My main question is, why should I continue with this hand after the flop, but fold this hand?

I've noticed that for some reason or another, weak low draws are given a lot more validity and respect than weak high hands. I hear "fold high hands when you're drawing for only half the pot," but in this hand it's obvious I'm drawing for only half the pot (this time the low), and I'm told to continue.

Perhaps this is because with the low hand I have counterfeit protection and a few more outs? At the same time, I think this is discounted by the times I only get a quarter of the pot. In my opinion, drawing for half the pot when you have only a low can be *weaker* than drawing for half the pot when you have a high-only hand because when you have the nut flush you are not going to be quartered.

In the end, I would like to see less "you're drawing for half the pot, fold," and more discussion regarding the overall EV of a particular situation. I'd like to see more discussion regarding pot odds and when it is profitable to draw to only half the pot, or a clear analysis that shows that drawing for half the pot with either a high or a low draw is clearly unprofitable.


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I think there is a lot of difference between the two hands. First, you have a chance to scoop with the hand from this post. You can make a runner runner wheel to scoop. Also, you can still make aces up and have a nut low and have some chance to scoop. In the hand you link, you are drawing at a chance to win half the pot with absolutely no chance whatsoever to scoop. In this hand, it would be very unfortunate for you to make a low on the turn and it not be the nuts on the end (you would have to have 2 running couterfit cards), while your linked hand will have many ways to be the nuts on the turn and spoiled on the end. Finally, if you don't have the high nuts on the end when you have a one way hand, it is very easy to make big mistakes if nut lows play aggressively. They can run you into the high nuts costing you several bets where you didn't have a chance, or drive you out when you are good causing you to make a huge error. You are really only going to make small mistakes with a nut low on the end if you make any mistake at all.
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