Thread: Soda or Pop ???
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Old 12-29-2005, 03:02 PM
jedi jedi is offline
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Default Re: Soda or Pop ???

I just find this whole thing to be silly. Was I the only one taught that people say different things to mean the same thing? I had a college roommate make fun of someone else for calling a certain cooking utensil a "pan." WTF?

For what it's worth, I generally just call it a "soft drink", sometimes "soda", almost never "pop" (but I certainly know what it's referring to).

I never say "Coke" unless I'm specifically referring to Coca-Cola and I think it's funny that people do. It's like saying:

"I'm going to McDonalds."

"Which one?"

"Burger King."

Oh well, more power to the Coke marketing machine.
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