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Old 12-29-2005, 11:30 AM
1800GAMBLER 1800GAMBLER is offline
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Default Re: Tapping married women

'A buncha guys who've had bad experiences or are scared of the potentials raised'

I haven't had a bad experience nor do i worry about bad experiences, i'm 20 and years away from marriage. Nor i am argueing a point through a scapegoat, i'm argueing directly at Vava points of 'i was 18!' and 'i didn't [censored] her', pretty direct arguement.

The reason it pisses me off is because of what JayLear said, 'I'm sick and tired of people that make abysmal choices'.

Some decisions you don't have all the information and the decision turns out to be bad, but when you made it, you made it to the best of your ability with the limited information you had, knowning there was a chance you may be wrong. No problem with this. revelant example, a guy picking his wife/gf/marriage then later she cheats.

However, decisions in which you have a lot of information and with this it's so easy to see it's a bad situation then doing it annoy me. This isn't field dependant, people making bad decisions about cheating, work, lifestyle etc, all annoy me equally.

Making the decision to bang a wife with children the main factors are how much you want sex and how guilty you will feel. Desperate people with little regard for other people will obviously be tapping it.
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