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Old 12-29-2005, 09:02 AM
JayLear JayLear is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: Tapping married women

But I didn't nail her....If I had done, would that have made me an equal scumbag to the one I appear to be now? Hmmmm, because if thats the case then my only regret is that I didn't nail her there and then...

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The Bill Clinton defense...I see. Let me help you...yes, you'd have been an equal scumbag whether you nailed her or "did everything but.

As for being 18, I wasn't saying it in the sense of I'm too young to make important decisions, I said it because when you are 18/19, and a 32 fairly attractive woman starts hitting on you, u don't make rational decisions when blind drunk/on holiday @ 5am...

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And yet, you say repeatedly that you have no regret...

I think the people that are criticising me are those that possibly have relationships that are not as strong as they would like it to be.

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I've been happily married for over 10 years now. I can't imagine my relationship stronger. I do however have the inate ability to put myself in somebody else's shoes -- something I recommend you try -- and imagine how my actions will affect them. Also, I have two children, and it's easy for me to see how they're affected by what my wife and I say and do.

Would I do it again, hell yeah!

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This kind of puts a hole in your "when you are 18/19, and a 32 fairly attractive woman starts hitting on you, u don't make rational decisions when blind drunk/on holiday @ 5am" excuse...

We are on a gambling website in which people routinely talk about targeting "The Fish" and breaking the loose cannon and taking all his/her money, and yet a guy going with a married woman is a massive taboo.

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You're comparing apples to oranges here, no?

Dominic hit the nail on the head. These women are bored, they want affection, they want to be found attractive, they want to be desired.

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Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night...doesn't make you less of a scumbag.

Being married doesn't mean you get to switch off and everything will be alright! It means putting someone else ahead of you, and I get the feeling that most of the time a person in a marriage is unfaithful there is most likely a whole heap of stuff that is not immediately obvious.

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This is exactly why you need to keep you dick in your pants when it comes to married women. Another persons marital problems are not your greenlight.
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