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Old 12-29-2005, 06:06 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Knock on head, broad daylight

The key word here is, of course, "pollutants".

I mean, the word is not hidden behind successive layers of meaning, where you need to dig before you get the point.

If someone claimed that "DUIs help population control", a lot of people would have to make an effort for the connection. [ QUOTE ]

"Hey! Sounds good!! ...Hmm, I wonder what 'DUI' means. [searches] Found it! It means 'Driving Under the Influence'. Under the influence of what? [searches] Found it! They use that expression for alcohol - or drugs. [searches some more] And DUI means causing fatalities while driving a car on the road while being drunk - or drugged. So... [scratches head] Lemme see, drunk drivers who kill people are ...good for population control?!
Hey! What kind of sick joke is this??"

[/ QUOTE ]

While here, the terms are unambiguous! F*cking pollutants are slowing down global warming!

Wow. Thank you, pollutants! And thank you, drunk drivers!
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