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Old 12-29-2005, 04:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Tells and Patterns

I agree and will add this.

Money saved is money earned (concept) was stolen from Bennie Franklin. It may not be a tell but it sure applies to five and dime.

As for shaking this is a behavior exhibited by players who hold the nuts as they gently collect the chips making the bet.

When in a B&M ring I have seen this faked on numerous times which is why I prefer to watch the waitress.

All kidding aside, my feelings about tells with unknown players is don't believe it unless its a thumping juglar or other things which can't be faked so easily.

My mindset tells me to watch how all of the players play, all the time, and pick up on the little things like what a fold threshold is for a player with a marginal hand. In a since this is a huge tell.

In a home game it might be a new deck which appears to have been tampered with before it is opened. Love it when I catch those and I have caught a couple over the years. An unnamed frat house was the last to get caught and not revealed (might want to go back some day). It was not a good juice deck to begin with and I do know how to read most of them.

Paying attention to the unfaked produces far more than getting trapped by a show.

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