Thread: l4yer cake
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Old 12-29-2005, 12:56 AM
fluxrad fluxrad is offline
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Default Re: l4yer cake

Layer Cake is a great movie. I don't understand why people always have to bring Lock Stock and Snatch into it, though (I'm talking to the other posters as well). If you're going to do that you'd better include [censored] like Get Carter, or the other half-million british underground flicks. How about Straw Dogs, or any other movie where a "crime" takes place "in or around England." Just appreciate Layer Cake for what it is.

Luckily, this is part of my movie critic litmus test. Since it's already [censored] obvious that Lock, Stock and Snatch were better movies anyone who decides to say "Yes, but Lock Stock, and Snatch were far better movies" when talking about Layer Cake gets my Pretentious Dickhole award. These are the same asshats that don't drink merlot anymore because the guy in Sideways said not to.
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