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Old 12-28-2005, 08:37 PM
ohnonotthat ohnonotthat is offline
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Default Re: Odds of 3 people with pocket pairs all flopping a set in holdem

PogO gave the correct answer to the question, "what are the odds that three players all holding PPs all flop sets ?".

As to how often will a full table see set-over-set . . .

In a million+ hands online I have seen it happen four times, though I'm certain it has escaped my notice a few times. (I used to automatically oreder a HH for all huge pots and a set-set-set flop will almost always generste a huge pot).

In what I'd guestimate to be a half million live hands I've seen it only once but 90% of my live play has been at limits higher than I play online and higher limits are unforgiving of people who automatically play any pair - ergo it would rate to happen less.

Set over set is something I've seen plenty of and this is one of those situations that seperates the men from the boys.

Mucking a set is hard - period - but it sometimes comes to pass that your little set just cannot win. Example -

I was in a game of 4-8 spread-limit out west some years ago with THE tightest player I'd ever seen. (They used to be very popular in the smaller rooms and were referred to as "four double eights"). He raised UTG, got 5 callers (all of whom were clearly paying close attention to his play) and I called with 9-9 on the button.

The flop came A-9-4/rainbow and he bet out; 3 or 4 called and I raised. He called.

The turn was a 2. He checked, next to his right bet, I raised, he re-raised and the original raisor capped. I mucked without a moment's hesitation; this guy could not have anything other than A-A.

When the hands were rolled I got was doubly pleased; the rock did indeed have A-A, and (hehehe) he didn't get the pot - 5/3 did. (Yeah, there were a few in that game who would cold-call raises with 5-3).

Let's start from square one.

Calling all mathmaniacs - calling all mathmaniacs . . .

What are the chances that 3 players at a 10-handed game will be dealt a pair ?

4 players ? . . . 5 players ?
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