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Old 12-28-2005, 07:00 PM
Buzz Buzz is offline
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Default Re: A23xs, how does this look?

I flop the nut low draw, so I raise to try to drive out those drawing for the flush/straight.

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Boolean - You can raise here if you want, but your reason for raising doesn't make much sense, because you have nothing much to promote to a winner if you knock out the flush/straight draws. You're drawing yourself, and realistically, only for nut-low. You do have an excellent draw - good enough to raise - but you don't really want anybody to fold (except another nut low draw and that's not going to happen). I wouldn't raise here (for a different reason), but I think a raise is fine.

I think because I don't have any real high draws at this point that I should probably just check/call. Thoughts here?

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I make my low, and so I bet

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/call since the BB is already all-in.

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Fine. A better reason to call rather than re-raise is you'll get quartered or sixthed (or eighthed) for low with the ace-deuce nut low roughly two times out of every five.

Overall, I think I played my hand pretty well

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I agree. I just disagree with a couple of your reasons for playing as you did.

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