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Old 12-28-2005, 05:21 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Whether to keep your enitre roll on a poker site??

"Why would you want to keep your whole roll on a poker site? "

no kidding.
this is just not a smart thing to do.

Even if you only play on one site there's no reason to keep that much money on there if you aren't playing that high.

I play on several sites and generally have my money spread around them.

I don't have any more money on 1 or 2 sites than I am comfortable losing if I something bad were to happen.
I wouldn't be thrilled with someone hacking into my neteller account and taking $2k or my party or Stars account and taking $3k or whatever.
But it's sure better than someone hacking into one of my accounts and taking $10k.

I don't even understand why somebody should need to ask this question on an internet forum.

"I have all of my $10k roll in one site...and I'm not comfortable with that. Is it okay to put some of my money somewhere else?"

This is a really freaking dumb question.
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