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Old 12-28-2005, 03:17 PM
xpokerx xpokerx is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 6
Default Re: The disgraceful right-wing distortion on the domestic spying issue

Clinton murdered American citizens. Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Clinton launched attacks on numerous nations, among them, ironically, Iraq. The reason, because of Saddams WMDs, that Clinton apparently lied about, therefore people died.

Clinton abducted a child and sent him back to a communist country instead of having him stay here to be raised by loving family. The really ironic part is that the child survived the attempt to flee Cuba, but the mother did not, the mother is surely smiling down from heaven knowing that Clinton sent her child BACK to the place she gave her life to leave.

The problem is that Bush has done NOTHING to infringe on American freedoms that even BEGINS to approach the evil and horrific things that Clinton did. However, Clinton gets a pass, because hes a liberal, and therefore infallible or some such nonsense.

No, Clinton did a great many damaging things, including the treason of selling classified technology to the Chinese, but, at least he didn't make some dude sit in a jail cell for a while before being charged.
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