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Old 12-28-2005, 03:05 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: How to spot LSD usage?

LSD can be sold in all kinds of ways, including "blotter acid," which is a drop of liquid LSD on a tiny piece of thick paper which absorbs it. You can't really see it as a dot once absorbed, but I could see it being described as that.

I've known a few people who can go to work on LSD, once they're really used to it. I've known many who will happily drive cars on it, and actually do it just fine. It really depends on the person, as some people of course will trip so hard they'll be out of their gourds, even for a couple of days. Those kinds of people will of course be way more dangerous put in control of machinery and the like, but you've probably bumped into a few people before who were on acid and you didn't even realize it.

Most Americans overspend. Simple fact. Doesn't mean you're on drugs; rich people even do it just as much as poor, according to an old friend in the insurance industry who has seen actuarial tables and figures on how many people retire with nothing but social security(many very well off people do). Don't presume too much because he's always short money. Especially with kids in the house. Booze runs up the bills fairly quick too.

You won't really be able to tell if a guy takes LSD much or not, I think. Look at his pupils and see if they're really dilated inappropriately; that's a sign of being high.

If he's doing okay at work, as you say, it probably doesn't really matter. I wouldn't take the gobbledygook kids say too much to heart without a lot more corroborative evidence or even an outright confession. You may be chasing down a blind alley to no good end. Perhaps letting the proof lie in the pudding might be best. If he works fine, what he does in his off hours should probably be his own business.
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