Thread: Am I a Nit?
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Old 12-28-2005, 02:15 AM
The_Tracker The_Tracker is offline
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Default Re: Am I a Nit?

Good post bro. You have earned my respect if that means anything to you. (It really shouldn't, I'm nobody special)

Nevertheless, you sound like you know your game and that is good. So many half-cocked a-holes running around like they are poker gods its hard to tell sometimes who the real deal is. Maybe you are. Maybe not. I wish you the best of luck.

Yes, it is true I play 1/2nl. I also occasinally play 2/5nl if I am running well or have some extra winnings in my bankroll. But, I am not trying to play for a living. I play for fun, and to make a little money on the side. I have a full time job and play on my days off usually. I am not always the best player at the table but am never the worst. If you are succesfull enough at the game at 21 yrs. old that you can put 15K into risk then so be it. In my own perverse way I was trying to look out for you, but it seems you have your head screwed on straight.

You're ok in my book. Again, good luck.
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