Thread: PF Stuff
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Old 12-27-2005, 05:37 PM
WillMagic WillMagic is offline
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Default Re: PF Stuff

1) Your hand has huge equity here...three-bet. You are just dominating both of their ranges. Postflop is going to be awkward no matter what you do, but you have a big equity edge here so take it. It's an even easier three-bet on the button.

2) Coldcall. You've got position and your hand is doing ok equity-wise, again, since both players have wide ranges. Three-betting doesn't really do anything in a pot where we are looking at a negligible equity edge (if any) and where letting the blinds in doesn't hurt us very much. But postflop is where calling looks'll have the chance to make a lot of flop raises that put CO's Ax to the screws. In the SB, however, it's a clear fold.

EDIT: So now I've read everyone's responses...and everybody's advocating folding QJo. [censored]. I might be wrong here. There's just a big part of me that wants to play flops with these guys in position...and it's one of those rare spots with QJo where we actually will be dominating some of the raiser's hands (QT/JT/J9/T9s/98s are all in the TAG's range) as opposed to either being dominated or flipping a coin...also there's the whole metagame thing of discouraging excessive isolating on the CO's part, though that's not hugely valuable. Hrmm. Intriguing spot.

It's funny, too. I used to be one of those "never coldcall" people. And now here I am advocating a coldcall with QJo. How times change.

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