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Old 12-27-2005, 04:56 PM
ZBTHorton ZBTHorton is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 56
Default Re: What is your push range here?

Alot higher than any 2.

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I hope your joking. This is push any two, and not close. You have just 3XBB, and on the Button need to get by only two people to increase your stack by 50%, and if you get called, should not be in awful shape. The longer you wait the more people you will have to get through.

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You act as if I'm going to steal the blinds here. It's not going to happen. I don't care how many players I'm going through. I want either

A: A hand that plays well multi-way. or
B: A good coin flip hand or

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Part of what we were assuming the BB was big stack and would therefore call with any decent holding. Sure with his stack size he could probably call with ANY holding but he probably won't. Let's say he calls up to the top 50% of ands and the SB calls w/ top 20%. Even with this limited amount of FE there's still no way you can pass this edge up. Since the times you get 2 folds you increase your stack by FIFTY freaking percent.

Sure you can wait for a better holding in the next 9 hands or so but even if you pick up something reasonable you're going to have even less FE with the monster stack still behind you plus a bunch of other players added to the mix.

If you're certain you have no FE whatsoever here then yeah, might as well wait. But if you have even a little you should push.

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If the BB folds here, he is an absolutely atrocious poker player.
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