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Old 12-27-2005, 03:16 PM
AaronBrown AaronBrown is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: New York
Posts: 505
Default Re: The Tao of Poker by Larry W. Phillips (RULE 255)

This is absurd.

In a tournament, a pretty good player with a big stack might be favored over a short-stacked expert. But the expert still expects to win chips every hand from the pretty good player. The more chips the pretty good player has, the more chips the expert expects to win.

Having a large stack does not make you dangerous, in cash games or tournaments. It does allow you to play dangerously, because you can survive losses. That kind of play will increase the expected return to the expert, but it also (if the pretty good player does it right) will increase his chance of going broke. But the expert will welcome it all the same.

A player with a big bankroll does the opposite of scare me.
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