Thread: I'm a major LAG
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Old 12-27-2005, 02:30 PM
Ian J Ian J is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 37
Default Re: I\'m a major LAG

Ok I think we've come to a consensus that limping behind is the best play. Here is my reasoning for making this very strange preflop fold.

First off, like I said, I haven't seen this guy limp one time yet. Second, he's playing 11% of his hands, and now he decides to limp when he has approximately 9 BB to start the hand. In my mind he's just screaming AA/KK here. My thinking was that limping here is going to get me into a lot of trouble postflop the 85% of the time I don't flop a set.

MLG mentioned calling a bet on a raggish flop like T63 or 842 and then folding the turn if he bet it twice. I think this is a good play in the situation, but what about when he checks the turn? I know if I were him and played AA that way, I'm checking the turn about 95% of the time. Am I just relegated to stacking off on the turn? Or can I check behind and fold to a river bet? Ewwww.

I don't know guys. Very strange fold for me to say the least. I think that if you really look deep into it that there is justification for my play. I think playing for set value when the guy has about 9 BBs is pretty thin. I mean nobody's limping 44 here are they?
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