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Old 12-27-2005, 02:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: pushing in the orange zone (PP$150)

I went with the push... but that was after eliminating a couple of other factors that I would consider if it were actually me.

One of the main questions being, "How long left in this level?"
If it's early in the level, I think I might be more inclined to wait. The reason I say this is because we are in MP now, we're moving towards EP and the blinds (therefore having the 'risk' of bigger hands calling us in EP as well having our M chopped up by the blinds.) If the level ends before we get to the blinds then our M is significantly different... no longer High Orange. If we can get to the blinds in this level, then our life in the blinds is a little easier and our M is spared for another round.

In short I think it important to consider the lifespan of our current M. 10 has a heckuva lot more options than 5.
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