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Old 12-27-2005, 12:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I am scared of succeeding

I don't think I would be able to live comfortably in the area you suggested and I have been exposed to law all my life. I feel I excel best in areas that don't require extensive mathematics (Cal 2 or whatnot).

I am going to school to become a lawyer.

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Why? Are you sure this is what you want to do?

I ask because I am a lawyer, and if I had it to do over again I most certainly would not be. I pretty much hate it.

Why don't you just go the computer/IT route?

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I guess if your dad is a lawyer then you have a decent idea of what it's like.

For me, I get paid very well, but I find this comes at the *expense* of living comfortably... meaning, excellent salary, but the stress and the hours, in my mind, are not a great trade-off. I've gained about 15 pounds just in the last year because I don't have enough time to exercise and take care of myself like I always used to prior to my professinal life. I'd rather have a lower paying, less stress, 40 hour week job.

I, too, always thought I was better in the "verbal" area-- reasoning, writing, etc. Thing was, compared to most people, I was good at math also, just not as good when compared to my other areas of strength. I'd much rather be using those kind of skills now, though, to earn my living.

As a matter of fact, my long-range goal is to leave the legal field in a couple years depending on how fast I can build up the 'capital' to do so... even despite all my time already invested in it.

Anyway, this is just one testimonial, for whatever it is worth. Hopefully your dad can hook you up with a cush job if you do go the legal route.
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