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Old 12-27-2005, 02:26 AM
SammyKid11 SammyKid11 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Default Re: My friend got fired for saying \"Merry Christmas\"

The Jewish guy, for actually bothering to report it?

[/ QUOTE ]

You're right...Jews deserve to be walked on by ignorant Christian dicktards. He tried to let your friend know politely that he didn't celebrate Christmas, and your friend responded like an assbag. But you're right, the Jewish guy REPORTING such assbaggery is the one who's at fault here.


Edit To Add:
I wonder if you (or your friend) or serious Christians would be so callous about this issue if it were reversed. IE- Christian goes to secular store to buy presents, is checking out, and the checker says, "Happy Hanukah" which the Christian politely replies, "thanks but I'm Christian and celebrate Christmas"...and then polite Christian customer gets told, "okay, Happy Hanukah...remember Christ was a fraud who never rose from the grave and is a false god you're worshipping."

Yeah, I'm sure most Christians would let that one roll right off their back.
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