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Old 12-26-2005, 10:42 PM
Catt Catt is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 998
Default Re: What is PokerRoom 10/20 5-max like?

The games are OK. Very LAGgy, with lots of 55/25 sorts of guys and much fewer 40/8 guys. 5-Max seems to send some into silly aggression, and it will have a different tempo than Party or some other sites -- lots of flinging chips into the pot with authority and little else (besides an authoritative fling). But there are several solid (post-flop) guys that stat-wise are somewhere like 40/25 or 35/25.

Game selection leaves a lot to be desired. Weekend nights there might be 4 or sometimes 5 games running. Weeknights might be 2 - 4. And there might be 2 games running with each waiting list being 2-3 deep, but if you sit at an empty table and wait for others to join, it's the rare bird that sits and gets a game going. To compound the game selection challenge, even when there are 4 games running, there are only 20 seats, and very often one or two different LAG/TAGs who play well post-flop or are at least good hand-readers and player-readers (pound on fishes, don't push hard against solid) are sitting at each table. In other words, you might find no more than 17-20 different players at peak times and 7-10 at low-volume times. The one upside is that the 5-max games are played on a 10-seat table, and you get to choose which of the 10 seats you sit in, despite the table being limited to 5 players -- this means of course that you have a lot of flexibility on seat selection even when table selection is lacking.

I don't know much about the network either. I play there occasionally, but it is a long way from being a preferred destination for me. The rake is slightly worse (but not dramatically so) at 10/20 or higher than other sites, but not the horrible rip-off that others often describe here at 2+2 (which description sounds like it might be appropriate at lower levels). The method of computing MGR isn't terribly favorable to the player with incentives, though, so even a flat rake isn't necessarily as attractive as it might be on other sites.
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