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Old 12-26-2005, 08:08 PM
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Default Request for complete tournament reports of differing buy-ins.

Hi everyone I'm a very new newbie here. While browsing the anthology of MTT wisdom I discovered that I really enjoy reading the complete tournament reports. I find that when the player of a huge buy-in event lets us "see into his soul" and explains his decisions to us step-by-step it is a very rich learning experience.
But what about opening a thread for the bullpen to post their own complete tourney reports, of differing buy-ins? I would like very much to read about people playing through, winning, or losing entire tournaments instead of just single hands.
Now, probably most of us would not be comfortable spamming the forum with a tournament report of the latest $5.50 MTT we just played, and rightly so.
I would like to forward the idea of a thread for complete tournament reports open to the entire forum where ALL buy-ins can be posted, dissected, analyzed, ridiculed, fawned over, etc...
God knows I'm probably never going to play a $10K event and I imagine many 2 + 2ers are just like me. I do think that some of us could learn a great deal by reading through each others tourneys of different buy-ins, I know I would learn alot!
I don't think this is necessarily a retarded idea, and of course those of you who would rather just not be bothered don't have to post or read !
So why don't some of you let me and the others "look into your soul" and take us through a tournament you played, what you were thinking when u made your decisions and so on?
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