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Old 12-26-2005, 02:07 PM
Burno Burno is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 82
Default Re: Pushing three times in one orbit.

I think it's even more than just them adjusting their calling ranges, though that obviously occurs. It becomes emotional to them, they become infuriated with your "ruining of the game."

You will certainly see this if you are in a bubble where the big stack is a donk. After a few pushes in a row, his calling range widens closer and closer to 100%, to where he'll eventually amp himself up before the next hand, "If he pushes again I'm calling." Poker isn't about pot odds or ICM to them, it's f'ing machismo.

Another point I don't think has been mentioned is that this is why you should be pushing most of your premium hands as well, especially if you've exhausted most of your fequity with prior pushes. Nothing like pushing for the third time in a row, only this time with KK, and getting spite called by the BB's JT.
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