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Old 12-26-2005, 08:53 AM
imashyboi imashyboi is offline
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Default Re: RESULTS

The more I think about this situation the more I like the bet/3bet line. The question I have here though is this, whats the chances of TP raising with his ace? How confident are we on our read that he does have an ace and not a pocket pair. If he's the aggressive type I really like betting out in this situation to fold any draws. The problem with the board though is that there are only 3 gutshots available, 2/3, 5/6, and 7/6. With only 2 players in the pot its a rarity that someone actually have them in their holding specially since someone raised preflop.

Do we want to elimiate the gutshot in this situation or trap them? The answer is, we want to shut them out now. If we bet and TP raises the player with the gutshot is making a mistake by calling. We're calling the raise regardless and will make it 3bets if gutshots call. If I end up being headsup against TP I'll smooth call and c/raise the turn instead. I'm pretty sure he'll call the river if he has an ace too.
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